Don't wear leg warmers to the modern workplace!
Updated: Jan 11, 2023
Does the modern new workplace, require a new HR model?

Using old models to fit the modern and future workplace is like wearing bright neon leg warmers. Unless your going to an 80's fancy dress party, its just not done!
There is also no question in my mind that HR cannot apply 90's and 00' thinking to todays and the futures workplace.
HR has one of the most significant impacts on an employee experience. Doesn't it make sense therefore, to improve the function by personalising the experience? Common sense tells me this can't be done manually, or in person.
For true business efficiencies and cost savings to be achieved digital solutions need to play a significant part.
Somewhere in the late 90's/early 2000's's we saw the introduction of a HR business partner model perhaps including shared services. Many companies since then have opted for HR systems for the HR team to adopt and use. Let me just type that again 'HR Systems for the HR Team'. Systems designed for HR not all the people in the organisation.
Many software platforms still today focus their software on providing HR the solution. In fact most.
Whilst they may streamline to some extent some adminstration and HR activity does it achieve real cost benefit? What benefit does the employee get, see, feel?
The pandemic itself put a strain on this traditional model, but what it did do was remind organisations about the value of HR and the impact it can have on an organisation and it brought digitilisation and the urgent need to modernise digitilisation to the forefront of the organisation discussion and mind.
Moving towards a truly people centric model is the next HR model. How are you driving this in your organisation? If you are signing up to traditional HR focused systems, how long do you think it will be before these are out of date if not already?
Exceptional employee experience is what Gen Z and A will demand. Improved business results is what Board's demand. How will you balance this and how will you show this by way of measurement using existing traditional systems?
Follow Mercer's 5 steps process ( :
"Evolving from an operational to an interaction-based perspective calls for HR truly adopting a mindset embracing people-centricity and business value contribution as well as significant change management".
1. Conduct a thorough, honest appraisal of HR
Create an holistic view of the current HR service portfolio with a combination of interviews, questionnaires, workshops and data. (iDrive HR have devised a survey that may help towards this)
2. Establish a baseline user experience
Consider the employee experience for different persona groups and envision the HR experience through their eyes. (iDrive HR's persona descriptions are accessible by contacting
3. Consider the interactions that will deliver the service portfolio
Some should be automated; some should be personal and high touch.
4. Establish the target interaction model
Form a new HR model that empowers people to achieve the business strategy.
5. Deliver the service portfolio holistically across the organisation
Successful transformations rethink strategy and content, processes, organisation, and systems leveraging technology to simplify tasks and improve results.
We are really interested in your views and to help you progress your organisation so please do reach out to us here or on linked in. What systems do you use and why? Are you reviewing the systems you use? How does your system promote a better working world? How does your system address the future of work? Is your system HR focused or People Centric? Do you know the difference?
How can we help you? #HRTech #HRTechnology #systems #HR #ROI #betterworkingworld #futureofwork